This article is based on sources and MEAWW cannot verify this information independently.

MOSCOW, IDAHO: Internet users have dug up a food truck clip of Madison Mogen yelling ‘stop being a weirdo’ at someone before she was tragically killed on November 13 with Kaylee Goncalves, 21, Xana Kernodle, 20, and Ethan Chapin, 20. One user wrote on Reddit, “Just rewatched. Turned all the way up, it sounds like ‘Stop being a weirdo.’” Other users pointed out that they heard Mogen using the word ‘F*ck you’ at the food court. “M slammed her hands down on the counter, appeared to say something about the time it was taking for the food, then turned around and said “f you”. I didn’t hear anything said by K around that time,” one user added. 

Someone noted, “There is clearly a “F you”, With a finger point. The taller girl slammed her hand down at the serving window of the Grubtruck. Making a real loud sound. It appears the guy in the hat just commented about it being rude or such to her. Then she did not respond well to that. Saying “F You”, and pointing. Even the Grubtruck employees seemed aggravated about her action of slamming her hand down. Like she did it because she was impatient from having to wait on them to get the food prepared.” 


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“Well she’s pointing right at him... it’s also odd that the white hoodie guy supposedly walked them there from the bar but they aren’t talking to him here then called a ride and didn’t saying goodbye to him when he’s clearly waiting around for them,” another user remarked. The alleged video was reportedly posted on the streaming platform Twitch. One person pointed out, “Food truck guy (jv) is demonstrating strange behavior as are the girls towards him. He was lurking talking to the other guy the entire time. Girls wanted nothing to do with him then quickly tried to dodge him when they got their food. He walked away after that. Come on - so shady.” 

“Okay his behavior is f*cking creepy and I get the vibe the girls were trying to blow the guy off and make it clear they weren't wanting him around,” yet another user remarked. Meanwhile, after coming back home from the food court, Goncalves and Mogen were killed in their beds on the top level of the building while Kernodle and Chapin were killed on the floor below. There were two other roommates present at that time, who escaped unharmed on the first level. Police are yet to name a suspect or make any arrests, while appealing for anyone with information to come forward and share any information they might have with the authorities. 
